
Home > Product > SAKURAMIN WHITE

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Division category-3 OTC(over the counter) drug
Indications Alleviation of the following various symptoms : Stain,freckle,pigmentation
owing to sunburn and contact dermatitis.
Bleeding prevention of the following cases : Bleeding from gums and
bleeding from nose, but in case where these symptoms are not improved
during using of more than one month, it is necessary to consult a doctor
or a pharmacist or a dentist.
Supplementation of Vitamin C of the following cases : In case of physical
fatigue, in stage of pregnancy, lactation and decreasing of physical
strength during or after illness and old age.
Dosage and Administration Take the following amount after each meal
15 years old and over:2 tablets per once three times (a day)
7 to under 15 years old:1 tablet per once three times (a day)
Under 7 years old : Don’t take this
Ingredient・dose Per one day dose of 6 tablets Contains
・Ascorbic Acid … 500mg
・L-Cysteine … 160mg
・Nicotinamide … 60mg
・Riboflavin … 12mg


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